Beckie got to invite 3 people to join her so she invited me, Blaine and Kara to go! It was very exciting. We went to the radio station, ate pizza and met the girls.
They were so cute and energetic and funny! They sang a few songs for us and I must say, their vocals were TIGHT! The conference room had great accoustics and the girls' voices were awesome. The harmonies were right on and even though they were standing just an arms length away from us, they blended so well it was hard to tell who was singing melody and who was singing harmony.
Afterwards they signed autographs and took photos with us. They were all so sweet and gracious.

Here is me and Blaine with Stealing Angels. The one next to Blaine is Loretta Lynn's granddaughter. The one next to her is John Wayne's granddaughter. (We were a little starstruck by her because of who her grandpa is).

Here is Beckie with the girls. The radio station took these photos for us. I didn't bring my camera with me cuz I didn't know what to expect but Beckie took some pictures for us and I took a few with my phone while they were singing.

Here is sweet Kara with the girls. I have to admit that prior to this day I had never heard of them. Since then, I have listened to their songs and love them! These girls have talent. It was such a fun opportunity to meet them! I hope I have more opportunities like these in the future.